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Self Hypnosis - The Most Effective and Empowering Self Help Method

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state. You have probably been in hypnosis many times without knowing it. It happens to everybody, children and adults, in everyday life and on special occasions.

Hypnosis is the original mind–body medicine. It has been in use forever; every natural mind–body healing is based, more or less, on hypnosis. The essence of hypnosis is the intense concentration on the chosen subject and the exclusion of everything else. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis – only you can concentrate your mind on a chosen topic. To be hypnotised by somebody else you need to cooperate; nobody can hypnotise you against your will.

What is self-hypnosis?

Self-hypnosis is self-help. It is when you put yourself into a hypnotic trance and then go deeper and deeper into that alerted state of consciousness, when you will be extremely receptive to suggestions. And you give suggestions to yourself or perform some other more advanced self-hypnosis techniques.

Self-hypnosis is a perfect tool to achieve full body and mind relaxation, not comparable with any other self-help techniques. Self-hypnosis is also one of the best coaching tools as it allows you to train and rehearse in a hypnotic state, mastering the skills to perfection.

How real self-hypnosis differs from CDs or self-help books

Real self-hypnosis is very empowering. It is when you access your subconscious resources by yourself and use them to achieve your goals. When you listen to a hypnosis CD, you just relax and let someone else's voice lead you. In most cases you just listen to someone's suggestions, and, yes, you learn to relax, and sometimes it even helps you deal with the particular issue it promises to help. CDs or books very rarely teach you to instantly access the hypnotic state and, if they do, it can take a long time to learn this technique. In hypnotherapy, you will learn this in one session.

When I teach self-hypnosis, it is not only to access a nice relaxed state, but to be able to put yourself instantly into the hypnotic trance and, most importantly, to use this hypnotic state in any situation you need it. You learn how to do this yourself, how to access your resources and to utilise them. So, for example, you can use the hypnotic state when playing golf, and later on if you want to become an amateur actor you may adapt it for performing on the stage; if you ever twist your ankle it can be used for pain relief (but you still need to see a doctor to cure it). You will be able to apply it in most cases in the future, when your life will be challenging you.

How can you learn self-hypnosis?

Everybody is born with a talent for self-hypnosis. However, like every talent, this talent needs to be developed by practise. The best way to learn self-hypnosis is from within the hypnotic state. When you are in a hypnotic state you are given suggestions how to do it yourself. Then you do it under the guidance of the therapist to make sure you understand every step.


You may learn self-hypnosis during private hypnotherapy sessions. At each hypnotherapy session you learn more. Firstly, you just learn to relax, and then you learn to induce the deep hypnotic state by yourself using one word. Later, you learn how to give yourself simple suggestions and you are given instructions needed for your particular situation. The private sessions are personalised and they usually combine private therapy with learning self-hypnosis.

You may also learn self-hypnosis in group workshops. All my workshops are very small, so every student can be given individual attention and guidance. Workshops are a very efficient way of learning self-hypnosis, not only because they are very cost effective; the interaction with other students magnifies the positive outcome as students learn not only from the teacher, but also from each other.


The most important part of learning self-hypnosis is to practice every day, four times a day, for 10 to 15 minutes. It may seem like a lot, but it is needed only at the beginning, when you learn. You will benefit from it throughout your entire life.


Limitations of self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is very powerful, and, as you know yourself best, you can create the powerful suggestions because you will use your own words, or you can even skip the words and just use your imagination; you can feel the suggestions instead of saying them.


However, there are some limitations:


  •  Sometimes the problem is too complex to be solved in self mode. It needs outside professional help which combines counselling with personalised therapy. It may just need another perspective and it is difficult to get this perspective when you are depressed, in trauma, or crisis, or in the power of a destructive habit, just to mention a few situations. The rule is, if the problem affects you on a high level and causes strong personal distress, it is better to seek professional help. I would usually advise to have a few personal hypnotherapy sessions to solve the problem before enrolling into the self-hypnosis class. To learn more about how hypnotherapy can help you please visit au

  • Removal of pain before seeking correct medical advice can be very dangerous. The pain can be a signal that something needs urgent treatment. It must be checked by your doctor.

  • Healing of medical conditions is very effective with self-hypnosis, but only under medical supervision; keep your doctor informed about any symptoms that have been removed.

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